Monday, November 30, 2009

Random snippet

Just to prove the joke telling disability is a family thing:

Poli dice:
bored! entertain me, minion!

waldo dice:
So a jew and a catholic walk into a bar....

Poli dice:

waldo dice:

Poli dice:

waldo dice:

Poli dice:
that's it?

waldo dice:

Poli dice:
where's the rest of the joke? you are an awful minion

waldo dice:
Ok, A black guy and a hispanic guy walk into a bar
And the bartender says
Get the fuck out!

Poli dice:
I think that was marginally better

waldo dice:

Poli dice:
any more tries?

waldo dice:
what do you call a mexican baby's baptism?

Poli dice:
wetback initiation?

waldo dice:
No, Beandip
I told that joke at the job
It didn't go over very well with the hispanic moms

Poli dice:
er... you're kidding, right?

waldo dice:
No, haha. Everyone knew me so they didn't care that much.

Poli dice:
damn. You are kinda suicidal (and I'm guessing that you being mexican had something to do with it).

waldo dice:
Haha. That's why I want an Emo lawn

Poli dice:
emo lawn?

waldo dice:
Yes, no maintenance. It's grass cuts itself

Poli dice:
lol. bitchy

waldo dice:
Just saying. \wrist

Anyone in want of more proof?