Wednesday, August 05, 2009

About denial

Pancho (walking into the kitchen): Say, do you know how to download computer games?

Poli: No. Ask Waldo, he’s my guru for these things.

Pancho: Yeah, I will. He’s on messenger right now.

Poli: He’s always on, he’s got it on his phone.

Pancho: Yeah... but he never answers back.

Poli: He always answers me.

Juan (
getting a glass of water): He chats with me, too (walks out).

*Long pregnant pause*.

Pancho: There’s only one possibility.

*Expectant looks*

Pancho: My messenger is faulty.

My, denial is such a sweet thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Y, si digo que es de familia, ¿no te enojas?


En fin, es humano, supongo.

Besos y también te quiero, mucho.
¡La mejor de las vibras!