Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fue uno de esos sublimes días.

Que día tan maravilloso.... Sólo faltaba que me cagara un alegre pajarillo para que fuera la velada ideal.

Turns out today was a waste of a perfectly good afternoon. First off, I went to get my Psychology homework, but it turned out that the professor had already picked the copies up. Later, my Análisis teacher decided she would not grace un with her presence for my 4 to 6 class, followed by my 6 to 8 Marco Jurídico profa. who did not make an appearance either. Las muy perras…

I was naturally upset, since I could have watched my faculty's movie club picks of the day: Breakfast at Tiffany's and Gentlemen prefer blondes. But noooooooooo, I spent a good 40 minutes in each class waiting for someone to have the decency to show up. Una maldita nota en la puerta hubiera sido suficiente; chingaa, un pinche ladrido desde el estacionamiento de profesores hubiera bastado.

So I met up with up with a couple of semi friends; (de esos que están entre conocidos y amistades superficiales) and actually had an ok time, but one of them got all depressed and managed to get me all antsy just by the woe-is-me vibe she was dumping off in massive waves. The other was getting all sweet and corny with her new boyfriend, which could have been cute, except for the fact I'm a resentful bitch and don't like to see happy couples while I'm single. Que es siempre.. Alguien por favor sáqueme de mi miseria.

Afterwards I went up to my last class of the day, History (which I'm taking all over again, since I somehow managed to fail it by being my lazy self), from 8 to 10, but the damned asshole of a professor I've got wouldn't let me in¸ the uptight bastard he is. I wasn't even all that late, just about 15 minutes. Tomando en cuenta que para mí media hora de retraso es decente, llegué puntualísima. But he claimed they were having an activity or something like that. All I saw were my stupid little second semester classmates (¿era yo así de pendeja cuando estaba en segundo?) playing around with straws. Their minds must have been seriously challenged by such a feat.

Whatever. Not like I missed an unforgettable class or something. Or maybe I did; after all, try as I might, I can't forget that infamous line of my wise professor: "Díganme si no, cuando los españoles conquistaron México se inventó la comunicación en América". How fucked up is that? Ah, but I must remember this is the pendejo that claims information, communication and knowledge are synonyms. Y pensar que en sus cultas manos reposan las incautas mentes de los pequeños de segundo semestre. Y la mía, por el momento.

So I'm guessing this day was life's blatant (and redundant) way of telling me it doesn't care much for my peace of mind. In fact, it appears I can take my peace of mind and shove it up where the sun don't shine. And we ain't talking of Paris Hilton's brain, either (aunque estoy casi segura de que ese órgano en particular no ha sido iluminado desde que la niña aprendió a decir "that´s hot").

To hell with it. I'll just sleep it off. Nightie.

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